Death and Dolls
Hello wonderful people!
The show Dead Files has to be the most draining show I’ve ever watched. We’re four episodes in and every time I finish a review, I get a massive headache, which is why there’s been a delay on these reviews. Now I am quickly going through the notes I took forming coherent paragraphs and calling it a day. It’s quick and painless and I can get some more posts up for the Paranormal Blog (that’s collecting dust until I finish reviewing Ghost Adventures.) I also get need to get around to raging about how Ghost hunters and how royally screwed up their investigation of Bobby Mackey’s Music World. Ruin my dream of seeing the epic things they’d capture, and called everyone associated with that place since about 1991 (when Bobby Mackey, his Wife, and Carl appeared on Springer to open up to the public about the club) a complete liar) that’s a smart idea…
With that said, let us get on with this episode-taking place at a private home in Cramerton, North Carolina. This episode reassures the world that dolls are creepy and when your house is filled with rows upon rows of dolls you have no right to complain about your child’s interest with war history (as well as death) and people complaining they don’t want to be in your house because of the dolls. Yes, that’s the focus of the episode; a woman calls them because she’s concerned about her daughter being so interested in war history as well as some paranormal stuff going on. The woman also claims that her daughter is interested in yellow fever and then says she’s interested in death but I don’t remember Salem stating she is interested in those specifically and I feel like this mother is highly judgmental considering how many creepy dolls she has littered all over the house.
In some cultures it is believed dolls are vessels for the dead… if that’s true then what the hell is Barbie and Ken and Kelly and their various family members and why the hell are they marketed for children?
Why is there a vampire doll and who wanted that to exist?
I love vampires but I wouldn’t go near that doll
even if I was paid to go near it.
Amy and Matt time and this episode features INTERACTION FROM MATT! I think I’m going to make that a game to go along with the how many negative words and synonyms can Amy say within five minutes of walking into a location. Now to be all-negative about Amy’s walk through there would be a girl in the closet who wants something bad to happen to the people living there this doesn’t surprise me at all considering the fact there are dolls that look like something out of horror movies.
That face…
there are no words…
What is with the dead knowing they're dead but not liking the people who live in the house when they weren't even originally there but brought into the house in this case because of the massive collection of dolls this woman has all over the place. If someone has an answer for me please email me or comment on it because I’d really like to know.
Amy explaining dolls are vessels for the dead
That’s the corner of Salem’s Room…
Going back to the daughter being ‘weird’ first off she’s like ten years old it’s obvious why someone would label her ‘weird’ because what ten year old girl is into war history. Not many girls at age ten were into war history or war at all, from what I recall from being ten years old. If you want to be sexist that’s usually a boy thing at that age. My point is that there’s nothing wrong with being interested in war history it’s a great way to educate yourself on things the textbooks twist and bend to make a reality. Steve on the other hand acts like this is the end of the world and that he can’t handle the fact a small child likes learning about wars and has Amy talk to her because he’s a coward and can’t accept the fact Salem is different from other children.
Steve: “Does it scare you [to see the apparitions]”
Salem: “When I was little, it did because I didn’t understand but now that I’m older I understand … ghost can’t hurt you only the living can.”
Salem you have so much to learn about the paranormal… just go watch Ghost Adventures and you will see there is a side of the paranormal that wants to hurt the living. However, I believe the spirits you are dealing with are just lost souls as well as souls who were inside of the dolls. They might be annoyed they haven’t moved on yet but they won’t hurt you. On that note what is with the dead knowing they're dead and realizing here are living people inside the place but then they won’t like people who are there. In addition, the ghosts weren’t originally there but brought into the house. If you don’t like it there then leave it’s not your house to being with, you were brought there. Find a way to get out of the house by any means necessary and if you can’t then don’t hate the living because they live there. Not everyone goes into a house and is like I wonder who could be haunting the place and if they want me here.
Now to addressing the World War II thing: Her mom started it by watching movies about Anne Frank therefore; Salem was introduced to it by her doll-obsessed mother ironic isn’t it. The woman who is like ‘my daughter is taking interest in weird things’ is the person who introduced her daughter to the World War II stuff.
Salem states she wasn’t there in the 1940s when all that stuff happened, which was part of what sparked her interest in the wars. That’s normal human behavior to be interested in something you don’t know about and weren’t there to experience. You want to see what it was like through other people’s eyes via books, journals, news articles, whatever you can find that will inform you about the topic. She also has an interest in the Civil War because what’s not interesting about any countries civil war. Their internal structure is falling apart the citizens are angry and they’re at war with each other, not an external enemy. Like she says, it is scary but cool at the same time, how can a place get into such bad shape that people who live there will go to war with each other. That is what she’s curious about the mechanics of the war itself not the death or disease aspects but how the war works and what went on during the wars.
Steve you have no reason to be concerned for Salem she’s perfectly fine, if you want to be concerned about someone worry about the wife. She has thousands of dolls stacked on each other all over the place. I think she’s the one with the problem.
During another part in Amy’s walk through, she enters the basement and sees bodies stacked to the ceiling dead from disease there is also a woman being tortured by some creepy man the woman is dead and the male is apparently poking her. I think the basement is the only doll free area of the house… the stereotypical creepy room of a house is the one place that doesn’t have a visible mountain of dolls.
This is where I feel slightly bad for Amy, it’s never a good thing to see room bodies stacked to the ceiling of death in disease when you walk into a room. My sympathy goes away when she mentions a woman how is constantly being poked or tortured by a man but doesn’t give any explanation because she apparently doesn’t like to converse with the spirits.
It’s time to go back to Steve, who is on the hunt to find Larry Nichols, he wrote a book on the history of Cramerton. Yes, it was discovered there was a plague in 1902-1903 that lead to the house being used as pest house to segregate the sick and house the dead bodies from the public… Steve goes to see another historian Dr. Alan May he is a local historian who knows more about the plagues than Larry did, (and yet he flipped out because Salem likes war history.) Cramerton had two plagues one when the Native Americans inhabited the land and the other in the 1900s.
Switching gears back to Amy and Matt, Amy has been drawn to the backyard specifically the edge of the woods. The first thing she says after standing there for a while is, “they’re going down” and my reaction is this:
Basically what Amy describes (after saying they're going down) are souls being sucked into the Earth and there used to be water there but the water disappeared. I don’t know how they can come crawling back out of the water once their dead bodies have been thrown into it… unless it’s playing like a movie and the people coming out of the water are the living members of the tribe who were putting the bodies into the water. The historian (Steve talks to shown in a clip that plays during Amy’s walk through of the backyard) says that there was a river near that house and it was used to by the Native Americans for the remains of the dead to get it out of the community. Well throwing things in the river would infect the water and spread the disease that’s always a good idea, but to be fair they probably didn’t know that it would infect the water.
Matt's thinking this is crazy, why do I keep doing this?
After examining the edge of the woods Amy and Matt move on to other parts of the backyard she says that a man comes up to her and was trying to touch her. She claims he’s not a good person because he’s super tall and it doesn’t look normal to her. This also leads her to wonder if he’s super manipulative because he looks so strange and he looks sort of like a mortician. Maybe he has giant-ism or something similar to it. Don't be a bully about his looks just because he's dead and looks a little creepy, humans who are alive can look creepy too. He's an abnormally tall and lanky mortician who is for some reason obsessed with someone he had to prepare for death or whatever morticians do. It is perfectly normal for someone to want you to see them in a way other than they see themselves... it's called public image.
There’s a rule breaking going on here because apparently despite all the stuff I stated before, Steve still has problems with Salem and out of the blue, she apparently has an infatuation with death and that's a problem. Meanwhile her mother has millions of dolls and has problems with people who don’t want to be inside her home because the dolls scare them and Salem is the one with the problem. Priorities, you’re doing it wrong.
Salem’s mom is oblivious, she’s like my family is fine with the dolls but you can clearly hear how uncomfortable Salem is with them. She hates the dolls but then again parents seem to think kids are okay with everything they do and won’t even consider asking their children about their new hobby.
Now is time that we can see the drawing of the man as well as any other evidence they have stumbled across. Unfortunately, we don't find out why the man was tormenting the woman, nor do we find out the woman’s identity. Hang on were there two separate men in the house, one in the basement and one outside or was it the same man who traveled from the basement to the backyard.
Oh my god what’s wrong with your face?
Well mainly his nose is weird.
Honestly, this is going to sound mean but lady your husband probably didn’t want to listen to you because you have mountains of dolls stacked in your house from the floor to the ceiling in layers. How can you take anything serious when you’re surrounded by trillions of pairs of eyes that don’t blink? They constantly are watching your every move even though they don’t have a living brain to register what’s going on and react to it, but the thing is you wouldn’t want to feel like someone’s watching you all day long, no matter where you go you can’t escape the dolls eyes.
Seriously again with the fascination with death, if Salem explained this during one of her interviews then fine, but the editors forgot to put that clip in somewhere so the rest of the world is informed that yes she is validating the fact she is fascinated with the dead. Since that clip was never aired it makes them all look like they’re pulling this fact out of thin air and it’s highly annoying. This poor child is now misunderstood for the entire world to see and it sucks nobody stopped to correct themselves when they kept insisting she likes the dead when she didn’t say she likes the dead. She said she wasn’t scared of the apparitions she sees anymore because she understands it better now than when she was younger. That doesn’t mean she’s fascinated by it all it means is that it doesn’t scare her anymore. Amy I also don’t remember anyone stating they wanted the dead to stay there. From what I’ve seen the living want them out and the dead want the living out.
It’s not scary and you can deal with it, just get rid of the dolls and move on with life or just ignore your family. They don’t like the dolls because there’s too many of them and everyone who was trapped there has an even worse chance of moving on because of the amount of dolls. The parents act like the world is about to end because of the results given to them at the end of the reveal. The world won’t end just pack up some of the dolls and fill the space with something less creepy, like family photos on the walls of some of the open rooms. Maybe get some wall paper or learn how to paint designs on walls just do something to fill up the empty space. Who knows maybe you could even sell the dolls and get some good money off them because they have to be collector’s items by now therefore they are expensive. Buy something amazing with the money or save it up for something else. Do a search on how to fill up space in your house or ideas to decorate your house. I shouldn’t have to tell you these things it’s common sense.
Although I stopped expecting anything good to come out of this episode, I must say I was shocked when at the end of the show it said she got rid of some of the dolls and the paranormal activity has died down. I really thought this woman wasn't going get rid of her dolls in any way, shape, or form. I thought she was going to keep them and find other ways around it or make things worse but she started selling them. Good job Salem’s mom I am proud of you for using your brain.